Get started

We make your website
No templates
Just code and love

Get started
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    Maximum speed

    All our websites’ loading speed will be less than 0.8s.

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    Fit all screens

    Beautiful and responsive, from mobile to desktop.

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    Fully accessible

    From intuitive navigation to nice color contrasts. Dark mode included!

What we offer

Web design and development

Having a website isn't just about being online; it’s about getting discovered. A well-optimized website improves your Google rankings, bringing in new customers every month.

But it isn’t just a digital brochure; it needs to be fast, responsive, and accessible to truly make an impact.

That’s why generic templates or page builders like Wix or WordPress aren't the best choice, since they often create a slow, bloated, and inflexible mess.

A hand-coded, custom-built website ensures top-tier performance and usability. Combined with ongoing care and maintenance, it'll allow your business to be more visible and grow faster.


Our story

I'm Joe, the owner and developer behind this web design agency. My journey into programming started with a passion for videogames, which led me to pursue a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science.

I’ve since worked as a Full Stack Engineer, developing software used by law enforcement. Wanting to keep my hands busy, I started exploring web design and discovered that many businesses either lacked a website or had one that wasn’t optimized.

With my experience, I saw an opportunity to help business owners by building high-quality, professional websites that truly represent their brand.


Select a plan according to your requirements

  • Lump sum

    • Design and development
    • €25/mo hosting
    • €100 fee per page after 5
    • +€250 to add a blog
    • 24/7 support
    • Lifetime updates
    €3800 +25/mo hosting Get started
  • Monthly

    • Design and development
    • Hosting included
    • €100 fee per page after 5
    • +€250 to add a blog
    • 24/7 support
    • Lifetime updates
    €175 Per month Get started
Get in touch

Let’s create the perfect website for you!

Get started